New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung, February 22, 1895

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German Society [Gesellschaft]. –
The year-end report has been published and verifies fruitful activities.

Next Thursday[1895-02-28] the German Society of NY City will hold its annual general membership meeting at the Liederkranz building.
From the already published report it can be seen that the generous activities of this Society have been again very successful.
After careful research $18,507.20 were expanded on 4,184 cases of poverty. $2,528.51 were spent on doctor visits, meals for the sick and medicines. 904 tons of colas were distributed to the poor. 6,463 meals were given out to the unemployed and 5,493 employment places for German immigrants were secured.
The report mentions the decline of immigration in the year 1894 to 167, 665 persons as opposed to 353,885 the previous year. It also mentions the diversion of immigrants to the Southern states who have been urged to get adequate information from reliable friends in respect to climate, pay scale and protection of persons and property equates to reasonable assumptions. Dr. Joseph H. Senner and his assistants Mac Sweeney and Heinzmann received thanks and recognition from the Society for their work at the immigration entry offices on Ellis Island i.e. in the administration of their duties in the sense of reduced expense and humanitarian undertakings.
The Society continues to warn about immigration since conditions in this country have not really improved.
Five new members will be elected to the Board.
At the moment the Society has 1,248 members of which 52 had been accepted during the past year. 
