The Diary

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NewYork, January 5th 1896.

January 5th Sund.

Intensely cold. Slept splendidly. To St. Hall at 10 A.M. consulted with Stetson and Schaller. Drive to Lg Is. City at 2 P.M. via 34th str. Ferry. Met Silbernagel +wife at A. Maurers store we looked over the whole house, then saw Springers pretty new cottage, then stopped at Daimler Motor Comp. I weigh 211 #s. The new Engine works beautifully, and the Elevator works, so I visit top and basement floor. returning home I found Henry Ziegler + wife Mrs. Louisa A. St. + Riekchen Kreischer there. Left L.v.B. at the German Verein. Whole Germany is reported to rejoice at the Emperors attitude towards England. At 8 P.M. John J. Amory, Pres. Gas Engine & Power Co. Morris Heights NewYork, called had quite a conference with L.v.B. +myself as to squelching a bill now before Congress

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Jan'y 6th

Chas. H. St. +Stetson confer with Dr. Crawford of Cinc. and Cotterill, also lawyer McDougal of Cinc. I work from 9 A.M. to 10.30 P.M. at St. Hall. George A.Steinway cabled from Bombay Unless absolutely necessary will omit Australia climate still hot there, cannot stand tropical tropical weather answer Cooks Office Colombo, George Steinway” Money is growing very tight under the bond issue

death of Joseph Mosenthal aged 62 years
Gave bond for $5200 at Sheriffs office for Mrs. Henry de Kraft

Jan'y 7th Tuesd.

At 11 A.M. drove to Lincoln blg, met Mrs. Schneider + Mrs. Miehling at Morettis Sculpture Atelier, approve of L. K. Figure to be presented by the ladies to L.K. Then drive with L.v.Bernuth to N.Y.+LgIsl.R.R. directors Meeting, elect officers, Niven Pres., WmSt. Vice Pres. L.v.Bernuth Treasurer. Drive home to St. Hall, work til 9.30 P.M. Then drive to L.K. see Zoellner, fix up circular of his concert, meet Hans Seitz, Emil Singer + wife, home at Midnight Cabled to my son George “Steinway Cooks Agency Colombo, Australia necessary, await cooler weather Steinway” Consultations with Dr. Crawford, McDougal, Cotterill, Chas H. St + Stetson continue all afternoon and evg. The matter of Smith + Nixon looks darker every moment. Bad icy snowstorm

Chas. W. Beason died today aged 71 years old

Jany 8th Wed.

Dark gloomy day. Remain home and have a horrible