The Diary

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New York. 1861.

Aug 4th sund.


" 5. mon.


" 6. tuesd.

At. 7. A.M. Wm, Reg. & sister Anna depart for Catskill by H.R.R.R. arrive up at the Mountain house at 3. P.M. Make the acquaintance of Mr. Muller wife and daughter fr. Albany. firing at sheet of paper with Chas. 6 inch Colts revolver. Anna sings several songs in Parlor.


Aug. 7 wednes.

Very thick fog. Unpleasant weather. in the day roll tenpins with Anna. also with Weisker & Brandis +c. in the eve. sing duetto fr. Don Pasquale with Anna. great applause. Anna sings several solos. Make the acquaintance of Mr. Krüger. Mr. Berghans arrives. dance with Miß Muller. Quadrille Regina homesick.


Aug 8th

foggy weather continues. Conclude to depart for Buffalo. start at 3½ P.M. took train for Albany arriving there at 9. P.M. took supper at Delavan house departed by night Expr. at 10.45 P.M. for Buffalo. Sleeping car comfortable.
