Amanda Akin's Washington, D.C.
The Capital during the Civil War, 1861-1865
In April 1863, two years after the outbreak of the Civil War, Amanda Akin (1827– 1911) journeyed from her home in Quaker Hill, New York, to serve as a nurse at Armory Square Hospital in Washington, D.C. She was one of several million men and women who left their families and communities behind to contribute to the war effort. Many departed to fight, while others took on civilian assignments to support the military campaigns.
These resources will help you explore the Capital as Amanda Akin and her fellow nurses would have seen it.
Do it yourself "Then & Now" photo map
Explore the city yourself with this Google Map that shows the location of a Civil War period photo.
Civil War 150
A resource page for exhibitions and events across the entire Smithsonian Institution.
"So Much Need of Service"
The Diary of a Civil War Nurse
Visit the online exhibition, or see it in person through July 29, 2011 at the National Museum of American History.
The Lady Nurse of Ward E
Amanda Akin's book, The Lady Nurse of Ward E, is available online.