The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: Will cure Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Hoarseness, Colds, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Difficult Breathing and Inceipient Consumption.
This organdy nurse's cap was worn by Elizabeth Brizindine, a 1945 graduate of the Johns Hopkins Hospital School of Nursing. Most nursing schools had their own distinct caps which were given out upon graduation. They were often a point of pride, a prestigious symbol designating ones academic credentials, not unlike t-shirts or sweatshirts with the name of one's university emblazoned across the chest. Once men entered the nursing profession in greater numbers in the early 1970s, caps became less important and are now considered a memento for those graduate nurses who choose to purchase them.
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: To relieve Itching or Burning of Pruritus Ani and Vulvae, Herpes,Rectal Irritations, / Burns, Sunburn, Scalds and / Rhus Toxicodendron.
Football ticket for the United States Naval Academy vs. University of Maryland game , Saturday, September 3, 2005 at the M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore, Maryland. In the game, Maryland beat Navy by a score of 23-20.
When the two Maryland based teams play it is referred to as the Crab Bowl or Crab Bowl Classic : the animal being closely associated with the state. The teams have played each other over 20 times since 1905. Perhaps due the proximity of the campuses, the game has not avoided controversy, with a history of student pranks and vandalism e occured, as well as accusations of foul play and cheating.