The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: For Dyspepsia... Recommended in case of Sick Headache, Constipation, Indigestion, Torpid Liver and Kidney Troubles
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: Complete cold medicine for children. Gentle decongestant, safe cough quieter, pain and fever reducer
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: Recommended as a useful adjuvant in the treatment of Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Offensive Breath, Biliousness, Colds, When due to a Torpid Liver of Constipation.
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: antacidFOR THE RELIEF OF UPSET STOMACH DUE TO GASTRIC HYPERACIDITy, FAST RELIEF for ACID INDIGESTION, SOUR STOMACH,
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: 1 1/4 tspn to 1 pint of water makes a liquid germicide and antiseptic wash; for general disinfecting purposes about the household, use 3 tspn to 1 pint of water
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: FOR SLEEPLESSNESS; Morning SHAKINESS due to nervousness; NERVOUS HEADACHES; NERVOUS IRRITABILITY; Sedative/ Soothing of OVERTAXED NERVES.
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: This is a certain and immediate remedy for fresh Wounds, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises it allays pain, subdues inflammation, destroys the odor of foul sores and ulcers.
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are:
A pleasant compound containing elements which possess tonic power in a high degree. Stimulating, invigorating. An excellent treatment for constipation. Excites the appetite and invigorates digestion.
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: For bowel cleansing prior to medical procedures or relief of occasional constipation
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: Will cure Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Hoarseness, Colds, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Difficult Breathing and Inceipient Consumption.
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: Cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Summer Complaints, and all Looseness of the Bowels, Sea Sickness etc. etc.
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: For use as a bowel cleansing regimen in preparing patients for surgery or for preparing the colon for x-ray or endoscopic examination