Oval, white glass container with a paper label seal around the perimeter. 1 1/8 oz. Active Ingredients printed on label. "For External Use by Adults"
["Directions for Using Black and White Bleaching Cream" about 1941]
"Nature is constantly replacing the outer layer of normal skin by flaking it off in tiny particles and replacing it with a new layer.
Black and White Bleaching Cream acts in a similar and supplemental manner and may be used in cases where one wishes to hasten exfoliation (peeling off) of the over-pigmented outer skin -- the result of exposure to sun or wind. It acts the same way when applied to freckles ... It is especially useful as a complexion lightener ..."
"Black and White Bleaching Cream is packaged in special, oval-shaped, opal jars so you may easily remove a small quantity of the cream with the fingertips, thereby regulating the amount you wish to apply.'
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are:
Best cure for anemia, paleness, malaria, stomach diseases, loss of appetite and general debility. The continued use will strengthen the organism, and prevent many diseases.
[cited in: FDA Notice of Judgment No. 24672. "Adulteration and misbranding of Ferro China De Angelis ..." 24672. April 1936]