This reed organ was made by Mason & Hamlin Organ Co. in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1876. It is a cabinet style pump organ, serial #34435, with a single keyboard, with a compass of FF - f3, a knee stop, and two pedals. The organ’s stop list is as follows:
This pipe organ was made by E. and G.G. Hook & Hastings, in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1872. It is a No. 4 model, opus #676 with a single keyboard, with a compass of C - a3 and pedals, with a compass of C – d. The organ’s disposition is as follows:
The company was started in 1827 by brothers Elias and George Greenleaf Hook. In 1871, Frank Hastings joined the firm, and the name was changed to E. and G.G. Hook & Hastings. This pipe organ was one of the stock organs made in several sizes by the Hook and. Hastings firm during the latter part of the nineteenth century. The organ cost $ 1,000, with 10 stops and 305 pipes, according to a brochure printed in 1871.