This full keyboard printing manually operated adding machine has a metal frame painted black with glass right and left sides and front and a glass panel in front of the number dials behind the keyboard. Below the nine columns of black and white color-coded plastic keys, the keyboard below is covered with green felt. A total key is to the left of the keyboard, a red plastic error key and a key stem areabove the number keys, and non-print and non-add keys are behind the numeral dials. Divisions for U.S. currency are indicated between the dials. The metal operating crank is on the right. At the back of the machine is the printing mechanism and a 13-inch (33 cm.) movable carriage. The machine is extremely heavy.
A mark on the front reads: WALES. A mark above the keyboard reads: WALES [/] Visible [/] Adding [/] and Listing [/] Machine [/] THE ADDER MACHINE COMPANY [/] WILKES-BARRE, PA.,U.S.A. A list of patents includes the first date DEC. 1. 1903, and the last date, NOV. 23. 1909.
Compare MA.323593.
J. H. McCarthy, American Digest of Business Machines, Chicago, 1924, pp. 544-545.