Marked: "Super-Heterodyne / Range: 550-1500 Kilocycles / 60 cycles / [Patent data] / Serial No. 59953". Plate: "Sold by Bremer Music House / 1806 Third Ave. / Rock Island, Ill." Specimen is an eight tube superhetrodyne receiver employing one type 235 radio frequency amplifier tube, one UY-227 tube as a local oscillator, one UY-224 tube as the first detector, one 235 tube as an intermediate frequency amplifier, one UY-227 tube as a second detector, two UX-245 tubes as a push-pull final audio section, and a UX-280 rectifier tube. The intermediate frequency is 175 Kilocycles. Donor lived in Rock Island, IL, so probably purchased this radio for use. Reference: "Langley Set Index" page 104. "Service Notes," Clark Collection: CL-45. Photo: Clark Collection CWC 45-784A.