Price Waterhouse is involved with the Monticello Memoirs Program for a number of reasons. At the heart of the matter is our recognition of the impact that information technology has on humanity. In every facet of life, we rely upon technology--at the bank, the grocery store, in our offices, in our homes, in our schools. Technology provides the basis for our ability to travel to the far corners of the world. Technology affords us opportunities to communicate in a fashion that virtually transcends time. And it has significantly influenced the way most, if not all, successful businesses operate.

Montcello Memoirs provides a forum for honoring the power of technology without losing sight of its genesis. Information technology was born and continues to grow from the human mind. Whatever we can imagine, can be. And our cumulative imagination is limitless.

While remembering Thomas Jefferson's contributions to society, Monticello Memoirs honors today's great thinkers. It is a privilege to be part of such a prestigious program, paying tribute to the legacy that our generation received from the past, and the legacy we hope to endow future generations.

At Price-Waterhouse, information technology is at the core of our business strategy. It is through the power of information technology, some of which we have developed ourselves, that we are able to serve our clients well--not only meeting expectations, but exceeding and shaping them. Information technology has provided many of the tools that allow us to help our clients achieve both short-term and far-reaching objectives.

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