New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung, March 24, 1895, p. 1

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A half century in the service of human kindness.

Anniversary of the German Frauen Verein. – Benefit concert at Carnegie Hall. – Verein activities and ladies, who have led the Verein over the years. – Mrs. Lieber, Mrs. Werner, Mrs. Ottendorfer and Mrs. Robinson. –

A half a century devoted to the noble philanthropy. To bring thousands of needy widows and the sick, hope, relief, support and new optimism. Raise the unfortunate who wanted to give up, fed the hungry helpless orphans who had no one in this world, provided a home, clothed the needy and alleviated suffering wherever it was found in the poor corners of this large city – that is the selfless, charitable work done by the members of "the German Frauen

Verein in support of the needy widows, orphans and the sick." This is why this club of noble women can look back with entitled price and inner satisfaction on its beautiful work and celebrate its growth as this is equal to the increased charity being done by the Verein today.

Images of deceased Frauen Verein Presidents:

Mrs. Katharina Werner, Mrs. Mathilde Lieber, Mrs. Therese Robinson, Mrs. Anna Ottendorfer

For this reason the 50th anniversary being celebrated on Tuesday at Carnegie Music Hall should become a grand fest where our exalted German citizens with large participation can demonstrate their sense of charity and should contribute to the relief of general need. For in its selfless effort to do good the Verein will distribute the earnings to the poor of which there are currently plenty. An unusually varied program the arrangement of which is in the hand of Mr. William Steinway has been announced consisting of musical and declamatory recitations and presentation of a one-act comedy by the members of the Conried Irving Place Theater in which renowned artists such as Mr. R. Oberhauser, Ms. Emma Juch and others will participate. And the active members of the Liederkranz under the direction of Heinrich Zoellner will also be heard.

And Mr. Carl Schurz has graciously agreed to speak and better than any one else this great speaker will pay tribute to the indefatigable pursuit of the charitable work and the great success of this Verein.

With this anniversary it is surely appropriate to present a short picture of history of the Verein to show its development and expansion as well as the way in which this charity is done by its members.

Image of current President: Mrs. Louise Ams; former President Helena Pupke

The Verein was founded in December 1844 at the suggestion of the deceased pastor Dr. Stohlmann to a number of women who belonged to the St. Matthew parish at the time. Thus it started its activities in January of 1845, with Mr. Schneider as its first President. As the current Secretary Miss Marie Robinson noted, who had held that office already in 1860, in the early years all its benefactors were from the St. Matthew parish and its articles stated they should primarily benefit in the considerations. But many other women joined and the 1848 By-laws removed this restriction. And since then applications for support no longer consider religious affiliation.

Since at the beginning income was limited and the demands steadily rose as the needs by the poor did the Frauen Verein had to deal with many pecuniary difficulties although it is in no way meant to say that the funds currently available are sufficient for the work. Just the opposite! The growth of obligations and demands on the Verein have grown to such an extent that it is often impossible the even relieve the incredible emergencies found in all parts of the city to even temporarily alleviate.

During the first decades of its existence the Verein was rewarded with a gift of $ 800 by Mrs. Magdalena Günther in 1857 and a gift of $ 5,000 by Mr. C. G. Günther in 1858. By 1865 membership stood already at 169 and aid could be provided that year in the sum of $2,710. Five years later, by the year 1870 the Verein could provide aid and comfort for $3, 848. The following year Mr. W. H. Günther increased the cash by a gift of $5,000. Another 10 years late membership stood at 293. The Verein was able to spend $8,973 and provide assistance in 6,408 cases.

The existence of the Verein had been assured long ago. The field of its activity expanded along with the rapid growth of the city. All the good will, satisfaction in charity and the unending work of its members would not have enabled the Verein to expand aid and assistance had it not been for the important gifts and contributions such as the $1,000 contribution by Mrs. Anna Ottendorfer in 1881 in memory of Hermann Uhl and another $1,000 by an unnamed friend the same year; the most important contribution by Mr. Anna Ottendorfer of $10,000 in 1884; a gift by Mr. Woerishoffer of $5,000 in 1886 in memory of her husband and the gift by Mr. Carl Hauselt of $950 in 1891 plus numerous smaller contributions and bequests.

The company Steinway & Sons also contributed to the charitable work in that it donated the use of the small hall in Steinway Hall for the Verein meetings, which by now have been provided free usage of one of the beautiful rooms in the Liederkranz Hall. Mr. Steinway himself always supported the Verein most generously in that he arranged the concerts, which over the years have numbered 28, which in total have raised the considerable sum of $63,000 for the Verein efforts. According to the Treasure, Mrs. Louise Gloeckner, total asset as of January 1, 1895 amounted to $40,183.03 with a membership of 336 ladies.

It is not so easy to be charitable and actually reduce needs in a large city where under the mask of poverty and suffering many receive aid though reluctant to find work or helping themselves thus taking advantage of others' good will. The Verein gained lots of experience over the years in this area and everyone can be assured that assistance is only granted where true need is visible. For this purpose the Verein initiated a system of examinations and investigations, in that it divided the city into 25 different districts. In each of these districts running from the Battery to Harlem on the east and west side of the city, a member is responsible for visiting the poor and lend assistance through the means available. This assures that aid is provided to those who truly needed and goes to no one not deserving.

For many years already the most prominent ladies of our German-American community belong to the Frauen Verein and act without drawing attention to themselves. We don't have the space here to reward them by mentioning them all here and have to be satisfied to mention just a few of their Presidents under whose leadership the Verein achieved its current greatness and importance: Mrs. Hoyer, Mrs. Von Vulte, Mrs. Zahn, Mrs. Therese Robinson, wife of the renowned Bible historian Professor Edward Robinson and Mrs. Mathilde Liever, a known writer, Mrs. L. Bohm, Mrs. Anna Ottendorfer, Mrs. Katharina Werner, Mrs. Helena Pupke and Mrs. Louise Ams, in whose capable hand the Verein is functioning. She is supported by Mrs. Katharina Beyer, Vice-President; Mrs. Louise Gloeckner, Treasurer; MMiss Mary A. Robinson, Protocol Secretary; Miss Marianne Schurz, Corresponding Secretary as well as Mrs. H. Pupke and Mrs. Sophie Stemme as Financial Committee. –
