William Steinway's European Sojourn

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In 1888, William Steinway took his sixth extended trip to Europe, which lasted 5-1/2 months -- from May 9th to October 19th. Accompanied by various members of his extended family, William used the time to tend to some personal medical issues, connect with family and friends who were in Europe, deal with some serious Steinway business matters, and enjoy a few holiday trips.

Key Elements of the Trip

Dates: May 9 - October 19, 1888

William's Primary Destinations.
London and its environs ................................. May 17-June 5
Brussels, Amsterdam, and then Germany ......... June 6-8 
Germany ..................................................... June 9-27; July 7-October 4
Denmark and Sweden ....................................June 28-July 6
London ....................................................... October 4-11

Modes of Transportation.
Transatlantic steamships
Railroads and local steamers in Europe

William's Travel Companions on the Journey to Europe.
Wife Elizabeth (Ellie)
Daughter Paula (age 21), sons William (Willie) (age 6) and Theodore (age 4)
Fraulein Bernkopf, governess for the boys
Louisa A Kreischer Steinway, widow of William's brother Albert
Nieces Henriette (age 21) and Ella (age 17) Steinway, daughters of Louisa and William's late brother Albert
Fredericke (Rieke) Kreischer, sister of Louisa
Eddy Kreischer, brother of Louisa
Frieda Kreischer, wife of Eddy, sister-in-law of Louisa

Notable Features of this Trip.

* Travel by ship and railroad
o Transatlantic travel by fast steamship. 
New York to Bremen on the Steamship Lahn .... May 9-17
Bremen to New York on the Steamship Trave ... October 11-19 
o Travel by railroad in Europe -- frequent trips with ready connections. 
o The land/sea journey between London and Europe -- an overnight experience.

* Health issues
o William took lengthy health treatments at two different mineral spring spas.

* Family ties
o William particularly sought out opportunities to connect with relatives, friends, and people in his hometown of Seesen.

* Business interests
o Steinway & Sons business operations in London and the factory in Hamburg, Germany -- difficulties deepened.
o New business investment possibilities, especially with Gustav Daimler.
o Musicians who might be persuaded to make an American tour.

* Holiday excursions
o Trip to Copenhagen (Denmark) and Sweden with his wife Ellie and his wife's sister Martha Ranft --- June 28-July 6.
o Trip to Munich and Hohenscheangau with his wife Ellie --- Aug 11-16.
o Trip to Coblenz, the Rhine Valley, and Cassel, a family trip with his wife and children --- Aug 23-28.
o Short sightseeing trips by himself. 