Death notices pasted in Diary

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William pasted in two death notices for Johanna Steinway, wife of C. F. Theodore Steinway. The first is from the New Yorker Staats-Zeitung and the second from the New York Herald.

Todes=Anzeigen. New York, 16. Januar 1883. Freunden und Bekannten die traurige Nachricht, daß, laut eingetroffener Kabeldepesche. Frau Johanne Steinway, Gattin des Herrn C. F. Theodor Steinway, in Braun=schweig am Sonntag den 14. Januar nach fünftägi= ger Krankheit den 48. Jahre ihres Lebensalters gestor= ben ist. Um stille Theilnahme bitten Die trauernden Hinterbliebenen. steinway.

In Brunswick, Germany, on Sunday, January 14, 1883, after an illness of five days, JOHANNE, beloved wife of C. F. Theodore Steinway, of New York, in the 48th year of her age. Translation of the Staats-Zeitung notice: "Death Notice. New York, 16. January, 1883. To friends and acquaintances, the sad news that, according to received cable despatch Mrs. Johanne Steinway wife of Mr. C. F. Theodor Steinway, in Braun-schweig on Sunday, the 14th of January, after a five- day illness, in the 48th year of her life has died.  No expressions of sympathy requested by Those left behind grieving."