Emma Schilling

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Emma Schilling first appears in William Steinway’s diary on June 20, 1894, (Diary, 1894-06-20) when she asks William to sign a petition for the pardon of her brother Frank Schilling (the younger), who was in Elmira Penitentiary on a forgery conviction. William does not mention the subject of her visits in 1895. They may have been connected to the pardon, to the family's music store—it sold Steinways, along with other pianos—or even Emma's singing.

Emma’s frequent attempts to see William so bothered him that he included her among pestering "mendicants." (Diary, 1894-12-24) (Diary, 1895-02-25) 

Born in August 1875, Emma was the only daughter of Frank Schilling and his wife Lizzie of Oswego, New York. Her given name was Marie Emma, but she evidently preferred Emma, as that is how she is referred to in William’s diary as well as other sources.(10) Her father was a well-known band leader.(1) For many years, Frank Schilling owned a music store in Oswego, and it appears that his children inherited some of his musical talents, since all of them worked in the store in one capacity or another.(11) 

Emma was a gifted and locally well-known soprano, performing on a number of occasions and in a number of venues in Oswego.(3) Emma was an 1892 high school graduate.(2) Her engagement to John H. Mahar, who worked in his family's wholesale grocery business in Syracuse, New York, was announced in late April and early May of 1901.(7) The couple was married on May 28, 1901, in Oswego and took up residence in Syracuse.(4) On March 10, 1902, a daughter, Elizabeth, was born and about a year later a son, John was born.(5)(8) Another daughter, Helen, was born in 1908. Their youngest child, Katherine (or Mary Frances) was born around 1910.(11) 

Emma died in Syracuse in September 1915, leaving four young children. Within three years, John Mahar married Nellie Williams.(11) John died in 1927.(6)



1. "Famous Bandmaster's in Brief." Jacob’s Band Monthly (August 1921), p. 18.

2. The Oswego Daily Palladium, July 1, 1892, p. 4.

3. The Oswego Daily Times, April 30, 1901, p. 4.

4. The Oswego Daily Times, May 28, 1901, p. 4.

5. The Oswego Daily Times, March 10, 1902, p. 4.

6. The Oswego Palladium-Times

7. The [Syracuse] Evening Telegram, May 2, 1901, p. 5.

8. The Syracuse Journal, March 12, 1902 p. 7.

9. United States Census 1880. "U S Census 1880 Sixth Ward City of Oswego, County of Oswego, New York, Supervisor's District 8, Enumeration District 255," p.23.

10. United States Census 1900. "U S Census 1900 Oswego, Oswego County New York, Supervisor's District 13, Enumeration District 119," p. 6.

11. United States Census 1920. "U S Census 1920 Syracuse City Ward 11, New York, Supervisor's District 16, Enumeration District 117," p. 1. , September 17, 1927, p. 5.