New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung, March 17, 1895, p.1

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One arrived, the other goes. – Ex-President of Liederkranz on School Board. – Unfortunately attorney Guggenheimer leaves the agency. –His nomination surprised him. – He went to see the mayor to suggest a different candidate. –

Mayor Strong provided a nice surprise to the German community of NY yesterday. He named Richard H. Adams to the position held by William J. Van Arsdale on the School Board.

Richard H. Adams was born on January 9, 1836 in Minden, Westphalia, where his father was school principal. He came to America in 1853 and in 1864 formed a company with Mr. Bendix, named it Adams & Bendix and they imported Bradford Articles. A few years later he took over the company, now named Rich. H. Adams & Co.

Mr. Adams is well experienced in school matters. For 16 years he has been a trustee of the German-American School in the 19th Ward. In 1893 he withdrew from the company and devotes most of his time to social and welfare activities. He was President of the Liederkranz four times and has been on its Board for 16 years. For the last 3 years he has been on the Admission Committee of the Isabella Home and has been a member of the board of the German Hospital for the past 12 years and the German Society and many other organizations.

Mr. Adams has visited the mayor's office yesterday together with Reinhold Van de Emde and Sheriff Tamsen, unaware the mayor had sent him a letter. After a moment Mr. Adams accepted the assignment and immediately swore the oath of office.

As much as the Germans of NY City rejoiced in the school commissioner assignment they were sorry to see Mr. Guggenheimer resign. He had worked hard for the schools system in general and keeping the German language alive in the instructional program. He stated his law practice and other obligations did not leave him enough time to do a conscientious job the position deserves.
