New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung, November 13, 1888, p. 8

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Steinway – Bernuth.

Miss Paula Theodora Steinway, the only daughter of Mr. William Stweinway, the respected owner of the well-known piano factory, yesterday gave Mr. Louis von Bernuth, importer here in NY, her hand in marriage. The wedding of the young couple took place in Holy Trinity Church at the corner of 5th Avenue and 45th St. Pastor Krüsi officiated at the ceremony with a gripping sermon. The church was filled with members of both respected families as well as numerous members of the Liederkranz and other societies to which both families belong. Miss Ella Steinway was Maid of Honor, Miss H. Steinway, Miss von Bernuth, Miss Toussaint, Miss Hardt, Miss Tuckan and Miss Hayes functioned as bridesmaids. Mr. Oskar von Bernuth was Best Man. Many of the best known German and American families of this city were among the guests. After the ceremony the newlyweds accepted heartfelt congratulations of their relatives and friends. At the wedding reception congratulatory telegrams from all parts of the world were read: from London, Hamburg, Paris, Berlin, Braunschweig, Koblenz, Danzig, Stuttgart, Bremen, Vienna, Rome, etc. Three rooms were taken up by splendid and valuable presents for the newly weds. Immediately following the meal, interrupted by numerous toasts to the young couple, to Mr. Steinway and his family and to the Bernuth family, the newly weds left on the customary honeymoon trip. [hhv]