New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung, March 15, 1885, p. 4

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Steinway Hall.

The lecture given by Mr. Carl Schurz on Benjamin Franklin on March 13 at Steinway Hall in the evening before a numerous and attentive audience was a master piece in itself. The enormous amount of material was reduced in a little more than an hour to a clear picture. The lucid expressions, which many have heard in his political speeches, the large amount of material, the successful layering of the same, the character development of the great name 'Benjamin Franklin' and his scientific and political activities spoke to the speaker's abilities. Without a doubt his next lecture on Abraham Lincoln next week will be of the same caliber. The audience' interest for this second lecture should be equally large or greater. No person in American history is of more interest than 'honest Abe.' Without a doubt Mr. Schurz will include personal reminiscences of the man with whom he had frequent and personal encounters.
