New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung, June 21, 1894, p. 8

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Staten Island. Once again Edward B. Kreischer's Death.

Mr. Charles C. Kreischer, a brother of Edward B. Kreischer who had recently committed suicide by his own hand, gave a statement the day before yesterday according to which his brother's unfortunate deed is being attributed to a totally different matter as was stated in the press at the time. Mr. Kreischer declared the following:

"Since various papers published articles, which connect Mr. W. Lenderoth with the cause of death of my bother and attributed his death to a dispute, which is supposed to have taken place, I wish to declare that such a verdict is a falsehood since Mr. Lenderoth was on good terms with my brother while they cooperated at the factory and that no difficulties before or on the day of his death existed. I would further like to state that there exists no such ideas in our family and that his death, as far as we know, was caused by sorrow over financial entanglements."
