New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung, January 17, 1886, p.4

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Music, Theater and Art.

Mr. Theodore Thomas has entertained us this week with ongoing regular performances at the Academy of Music. Yet especially noteworthy this week was the concert given by the Liederkranz and Arion and the Beethoven-Men's Chorus at the Steinway-Hall for the Benefit of the German Hospital. Financially and to a large degree it can be pleased with its enormous success. Total income should be around $4,000 to $5,000. Under the direction of Mr. Frank van der Stucken, Max Spickler and Reinhold L. Hermann, the fullness and freshness of the voices as well as the precision in the presentation by the chorus participants was impressive. The individual choruses garnered the most attention since these songs also had been selected exclusively for their artistic value and were presented in an exemplary fashion. Together the three societies sang Mendelssohn's The happy wanderer [Der frohe Wandersmann], the Schifferlied by Eckert and A man, a word [Ein Mann, ein Wort] by Maschner. The success of the concert was truly enhanced by the performances of the Heimendahl String Quartet, soloists Ms. Marianne Brandt of the German Opera, pianist Mr. S. B. Mills and violinist Mr. Edward Heimendahl.
