The Diary

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New-York. 1861.

Nobr. 11th m.

At home. play. & trying songs


" 12. tuesd.

W. at L.K. in the afternoon took a ride stopped at fathers house met Anna who told me she was very sick & had taken cold the sunday previous. Did not think it was serious This was the last time I saw my beloved sister alive.

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" 13. wed.

Pastor Burger fr. Buffalo. lend him our pony & buggy. take him to Past. Steins. Fred. Steins & Pauer rehearse towards evening & take supper with us.


" 14. thurs.

Stadttheatre. Jongleur. W. & R.


" 15. frid.

in eve. at my house rehearsing. Chas. St. Peters, Munch Pauer rehears. Eine alte Geschichte. Mädchen wollen so


" 16. sat.

At home. Anna reported to have the typhoid fever. (Nervenf.)

.. 300 under semi circle

" 17. sun.

Private Conc. in L.K. Schmitz does not come, cannot sing Überall Du in consequence. in Quartett sing: Eine alte Geschichte & Ich geh noch Abends spät vorbei. Much laughter & merriment.
