The Diary

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New York, April 21st 1872

April 21st Sunday.

Splendid sunny and mild day. Walk uptown at 10 oclock, dine with Theodore, my wife rides out with the other ladies Walk home in eveg

April 22d Monday.

With wife & Reinel Uptown in eveg At Com. of Seventy, afterwards with Klamroth, Weissbeer

April 23d Tuesday.

At farm with Theodore & Reck, Stake off Adelmanns Mill and our Foundry, Drill shop & Engine House. Test the nature of the ground with Iron rods at 12 feet the bottom is impenetrable. Also arrange with Ross for the piling of the buildings. My wife goes to Buffalo with Albert and wife at 10.30 A.M. Am at L.K. in evening. Koch moves to enquire into Uhl & Marwedel matter, Uhl hands in a letter of resignation. During night ... ..... . _. _..

April 24th Wed.

Nice warm day. In evening with Reinel, Theo and wife at Academy, Wm. Tell being given, fine performance. We are afterwards at Monument house a few minutes

April 25th Thursday.

Theodore & I at farm, Lewis men from Flushing are sinking Wells, but we find no water and most difficult to get through the hard pan I visit Theodore in the evening. Jette Brunn & Robert married at Niagara Falls today in presence of wife, Albert & wife

April 26th friday.

Excessively warm day. Have completed the Manuscript for our new illustrated Catalogue At noon Theodore, Reck & I go by Harlem boat to our farm, no water found as yet, and it looks pretty dubious. The pile driver has already arrived to pile for the Mill. The Floodgate shows several dangerous cracks, but is nearly finished At home in evening, Reck with us.

April 27th Saturday.

Grandpiano No 25.000 down in the Store since Yesterday With Duplex scale, very fine, very busy all day, decide to celebrate next saturday, May 4th. In evening I walk down sixth Avenue to 14th street, buy collars & stockings ___
