The Diary

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New York, March 24th 1888.


In afternoon Louisa A. St. Friederika Kreischer and George F. Kreischer meet at my office, talk over his proposed mortgage matter & with the ladies the engagement of Paula to Mr. Louis von Bernuth. In evg at Acad. of Mus. With wife, Barnay gives Uriel Acosta

March 25th Sund.

Still cold, but clear day. Am at factory in forenoon try different pianos, style 6 from Hamburg with German plate, the latter was cracked. Jacob Ziegler and his granddaughter Julia Cassebeer arrived yesterday pr. Steamer Saale Home in afternoon. Louis von Bernuth to dinner with us. Paula is sick with excitement and feeling like having chills Willie still in bed, throat somewhat inflamed, but better. A large Number of people, incl. almost the entire Von Bernuth family visit us during the afternoon I cable to Theodore at Braunschweig and Ranft in Dresden “My daughter Paula engaged to Louis von Bernuth, William Steinway” Try to work on the affidavits of myself, Koven and Petri in the Trademark suits in England til nearly midnight


March 26th Monday.

Slush rain and fog all day. Am at Bk of the Metrop. In afternoon. Ziegler dines with us. At Gericke Symphony Concert in ev’g with rest of family, Louis von Bernuth there

March 27th Tuesd.

Slush and rain. B.B.Bg+Impt. Co. Directors meeting at George Ehrets Office, from there to L.K. where I preside.

March 28th Wed.

Slush and rain, both Willie & little Theodore rapidly getting better, Willie still in bed though. Work all afternoon + ev’g home on my, Petris + Kovens affidavit in Trademark matter. Have awful trouble making all the researches necessary covering 26 years


March 29th Thursd.

Had talk with Gen. Horatio C. King regarding J. C. Freund day before yesterday, and today he calls again to borrow money for Eberhard which I decline. J. F. Petri and Theo. Koven swear to their affidavits for London. I feel a slight touch of Rheumatism in my left arm.