The Diary

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Dresden, June 18th 1888.

June 18th Monday,

Like last night, raining all day, write long letters to N.Y. London+c. funeral of Emperor Friedrich, all stores + Theatres closed

June 19th Tuesd.

Again write + work, in evg at Residenz Theatre with the three ladies “Haben” played finely, see Schweighofer and wife. In afternoon at Albina, played Skat with Dr. Hesse, Wuttig + Papa Ranft, win 3½ Mark


June 20th Wed.

Warm lovely day. Take bath and have hair cut closely. Have nice letter from George & Charles, while Theodore has been awfully cranky and nervous again for the past four days. Otto Herkt and Laura Beling come from Glogau, I explain whole Roll matter to them and hand them power of Attorney to be executed by Isabella Herkt and Laura Beling. Took dinner at Ranfts and then work all the afternoon at the Hotel.

June 21st Thursday.

busy all day, with Papa Ranft to Klemm in forenoon, in carriage with wife and children to Krauses’ place on the Elbe, have a splendid drive, at 6½ P.M. to opera “Walküre” hear Frl. Malten, and Gudehus, both splendid, instruct R. R. Trademark Matter


June 22d friday,

wife + I depart from Altstadt to Salzschlirf via Leipzig Eisenach, Corbetha arrive at 7.07. P.M. stop at Illers Hotel over night

June 23d sat.

depart at 9 A.M. via Göttingen where we meet Edward Uhl at the station, reach Braunschg 5.30 P.M. Go to Summer Theatre hear “ein toller Einfall”


June 24th Sunday.

Henry Ziegler, Theodore & I have a long consultation regarding future of Hamburg + London business and unite upon proposition to increase capital stock and amalgamate Hamburg bus. With N.Y. which is about the only thing, Theodore will assent to. Drive out to Grüne Jäger, spend evg at Reidemeisters with Knolles +c
