The Diary

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Braunschweig, Septbr. 24th 1888


corroborates Ellies statements as to June 2d 11th this year at Dresden. Supper at Magdeburg, arrived with Bummelzug at 9.10 P.M. Braunschg. Retire by 10 P.M.

Sept 25. Tuesd.

Lovely day. Consul Fox introduces his successor Mr. Spaulding at Theodors house, Chas. reports his wife as feeling better, but business still horribly dull and money tightening, am at Frickes beer house with Theodor til midnight, sleep splendidly all night

Sept. 26th Wed.

Lovely but cooler weather, receive letter from Papa Ranft that Ellie is suffering greatly. Wrote him + her & taking letters to depot met Mrs. Ludwig Raecke + her sons of N.Y. Accompany her to Theodors house and introduce her to him, my daughter and Addie Ziegler. letter from Chas. H. St. Sept 15th, bus. better and his wife somewhat better. Newspaper clippings on me as Mayor from America, Gov. Hill unanimously nominated Newspaper clipping that little Hoffmann is not coming to America this year, but it is probably an adertising dodge for reclame purposes. Drive with Theodor to “Grüner Jäger” via Mascherode, in ev’g at Weinstube with Theodore til 11 P.M. very interesting Company there


Sept. 27th Thursd.

Long letter from wife who has had a long talk concering Frl. and herself with her mother on Tuesday which greatly excited and worried her. Anna von Bodman writes that Lily v. Blumenthal had a little son on the ev’g of the 24th, both mother & child well Theodor to Silver wedding of Blumenstengels. Carl Reinecke from Seesen calls & takes dinner with us. Write wife a long letter regarding my interview with her mother Sunday night. In evg at Kleiderseller Grünen Jäger, very jolly celebrating Kirchenpauers Abschied, became acquainted with Dr. Rossmann
