The Diary

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New York, Novbr 3d 1888.

Novbr 3d sat.

Am busily engaged in fixing Bollman Bros. Co. matters and Astoria Silk Works Company. In the former Comp. Otto Bollman, Oscar H. Bollman, Nahum Stetson, Harry D. Low, Emil Gabler + Henry Ziegler sign  Am home in evg pretty well tired out. Pianist Rosenthal arrived.


Novbr 4th Sunday.

Beautiful clear warm day, work all forenoon and afternoon at Store. M. Nicholson calls in afternoon Tretbar has lumbago. I have succeeded admirably this week in steering clear of the politicians. Home in ev’g, Carl von Bernuth, L. A. St. sister and daughters H. + Lili Toussaint + Miss Hayes call Business was grand all week


Novbr 5th Monday.

Weather cooler. H. A. Cassebeer sen. said to be dying. Sent Articles of Association of Bollman Bros. Comp to Secr. Fred. Cook yesterday by mail. Arranged with Chas. A. Kittle to give Harry Candidus a trial at the Gas Works in L. Isl. City. Mr. + Mrs. Chas. E. Pratt call and I give them a donation of $25. For Ilma de Murska. My brother Theodor writes that I am to give Paula a check for $1000. as a wedding gift. The Mail and Express, a Republican paper, has an address to the employees of “Steinway + Co” why they should vote for Harrison. Cable to Theodor for his 63d birthday tomorrow “Steinway Braunschweig Herzlicher Gluckwunsch Paulas Dank Familie Steinway” At German Savings Bank in evg, move that Title Guarantee matter be reported upon by Finance Com. Am at Lüchow with Heye + Brunn afterwards

Novbr. 6th Tuesd.

Rainy in morning but clearing up. Vote the whole Tammany Ticket, 8 in all. Receive from Secretary of State Office the certified Original of the Bollman Brothers Company of New York, St Louis + Kansas City
