The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 6th 1888.


continues splendid especially at Retail. My cold gradually improves. My daughter Paula has Reception tonight but I do not go nor wife, but proceed directly to L.K. bd of Trustee Session, home after midnight, having much fun over the monster of the “Kegel Club cup”

Decbr 7th friday.

Am at Lg. Isl. City all day, having the two bros. Innis & Mr. Simms of Providence R Isl. to look at our land, drive over Bowery Bay Beach with them, dine at Mrs. Louisa Cassebeer at Queens Co. Bk, walk into Leavitt regarding his Mtge loans At office writing til 11 PM

Decbr. 8th sat.

Excessively busy all day. Meet Ambuhl, afterwards Emil Gabler, then Julius May calls wanting to get me into an Electric Light Comp. which I refuse. In evg with wife, Louise A. St. her daughters, Paula + her husband at the Philh. Concert (Fursch Madi sings) afterwards at Dorlons Oyster house 23d str. together, My wife looks + feels well

Decbr 9th Sunday.

Raining and storming work at Store all day, Henry M. Brainard calls, wants to organize the Henry M. Brainard Music Company. Our Patti Gounod card looks splendid, editorially in all the papers Work at home in evg, til 11 P.M. Paula and her husband at supper & spend eveg with us

Decbr 10th Monday.

Excessively busy all day. Henry M. Brainard and Saml Hazelton call, in afternoon Emil Gabler calls. Our business is simply immense. I preside at Carl Schurz dinner at Lotos Club and am unusually happy in my remarks Dr. Senner responds to toast on Schurz who again makes a lovely speech Wesendonck, Dr. Jacobi & Governor Salomon respond to “Altes Vaterland” Neues Vaterland” and Die Mission der Deutschen in Amerika’ Every thing passes splendidly sing also Jim, Joseph and John, toast in dialects +c. family at Opera Die Afrikanerin
