The Diary

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New York, Febr. 16th 1889.

Febr. 16th __

Mr. Van Reed has again long talk at my office with me. Home in ev’g, work til 11 P.M. on Dr. Kraft Gas Case  find Ward R. Parkers letter and other interesting material. Take a cold bath which greatly refreshes me

Febr 17th Sunday.

Gloomy rainy day. My boys are healthy and wild my wife still coughs all night. Yesterday also had a long talk with H. A. Cassebeer, and the brothers Wright, regarding transportation to Bowery Bay Beach from Harlem. Work at store in the forenoon. Chas. H. St. arrives from Bermuda At 3 P.M. to Am. Inst. Com. Meeting of German Hospital Fair, at which I preside, home in evg working and chatting with wife, Louisa A. St. + Riekchen

Herman J. Keidel Suicide this morning

Febr 18th Monday.

Still raining. H. J. Keidel shot himself before with a Revolver in front of a looking glass. Wife is still coughing and very feverish, has been unable to leave the house for 10 days. In ev’g open the German Hospital Fair by introducing Mr. Carl Schurz and Mayor Grant. It is a great success, home at 11.30. after driving home with L. A. St. her sister + daughter Hettie

Febr. 19th Tuesd.

Busy all day. At L.K. and Arion in evg feel touch in right arm, but slightly. See Ehret for a few moments

Febr 20th Wed.

Am somewhat retarded in writing, by touch. home in evg with Cotterill, we go over de Kraft case, while Mrs. C. chats with my wife. Take full doses of Jones Medicine

Febr 21st Thursday.

Am still slightly lame, lunch at Luchows am somewhat feverish, am at Bank in afternoon Yesterday Otto Flörsheim was arrested on complaint of Fred. Schwab, and this morning held in $500 bail at the Tombs. I refused to give bail or allow any members of my family to give bail for him