The Diary

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New York, March 23d 1889.

March 23d sat.

Lovely spring day. Willie has had bronchitis for several days, light attack. Mrs. Thurber calls, I tell her that no money can be raised for her Conservatory of Music. Am at L.K. in evg, German Club of Hoboken our guests I conduct Musical part, Paul Kalisch makes quite a success. Home at 2 A.M. Wife still perfectly well. In the morning I receive the following cable despatch “Moechte Louise Cassebeer Julia Edwin auf meine Kosten nach Gersau nehmen ist das sofort moeglich Antwort Theodor Mr. + Mrs. H. A. Cassebeer being in Atlantic City I telegraph them and receive her answer in ev’g that she will see me Monday morning. Agitation among our men to join in the Wash. Centl parade _ _

Hans von Bülow arrived on steamer Saale

March 24th Sund.

Lovely day. Am at store in forenoon, Anton Koowen calls at 11 A.M. to Arion Hall, meet Carl Schurz + Executive Com on German participation in Centennial affairs, home for dinner, am at store again in afternoon, working. Business has been fairly good the past week. At 4 P.M. at L.K. preside at meeting of ladies and gentlemen of Hospital Fair Executive Committee. Total Fair Receipts $117.709.80 total expenses only $6.691.49. net surplus $111.018.31 with some more to come in. At home in ev’g working til 11 PM

March 25th Monday.

See Henry A. Cassebeer and his wife they will go next Saturday by steamer “Ems” I cable as follows “Steinway Braunschweig Louise Cassebeer Julia Edwin sail steamer “Ems” next Saturday will arrive Bremen April 8th are you satisfied answer” At 6 P.M. receive his answer “Passt Dorette zieht 16 April ich hoffe reisefähig bin Besserung” I remain home working in evg

March 26th Tuesd.

Go to store very early to write Theo. a nice long letter, when two cablegrams come in which I open with a trembling hand. The first is dated Hamburg, March 26th 1889