The Diary

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New York + Astoria, May 25th 1889.

Sat. May 25th.

Lovely weather. Mrs. Louisa A. St. her two daughters, her sister + Lina Nafz, Henry A. Cassebeer jr. and his wife sail in Steamer Ems to Europe early in the morning. In afternoon Table round of Grode start in Steamer Van Cott from E. 23d str. to Grand Pier, B.B. Beach, then to City Island and Fort Schuyler, catch 20 fish then back to B.B. Beach, have a nice clambake Wife, children, Frl. and many others take a sail on the Bay, very jolly party, my son George Louis von Bernuth + Trompetter being with us

Settled John Phelans claim for $500. agt Flushing Ave. Com Kraemer George C. Blackwell

May 27th Monday.

In forenoon with Ottendorfer at Mayors Office about Jacques Schmitz, and young Freedman, At 11 AM at Bk. Metr. Examination, declare dividend of 5% for 6 months, take lunch at Bank, at 2 P.M. to L.K. Hall, act as pall bearer at Jacob Windmüller funeral who died May 24th aged 86 years, Mr. Ottendorfer makes a splendid funeral oration. In evg with Stetson + Louis Windmüller a Banquet given by the Young Mens Democratic Club in honor of Ex Pres Grover Cleveland, who delivers a splendid oration, as also does Breckenridge and Gov. Hill. Get home + walk there at 1 A.M. Gram Park

May 28th Tuesd.

Am excessively busy with matters of Chas H. St and Henry W. T. St. With Ottendorfer at Mayor Grants. Meet Geo. F. Kreischer at Powells Office transfer of Hugenot farm to latter. Place translation of will of C. F. Theo. St. into hands of Moritz Ellinger. In evg at L.K. Again stop at Gramercy Parkhouse

May 29th Wed.

Eat at Lüchows with Henry W. T. St. and have a long and earnest talk with him on his
