The Diary

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New York, June 30th 1889.

June 30. Sunday.

Beautiful day. B. B. B. crowded with a fine public, both steamboats & R.R. have plenty to do, make a tour of inspection, change Steinway dumping ground from foot of Albert street to Kouwenhoven street at end of creek. Also to B.B.B. in forenoon and at 6 P.M. Working home in evg. Wife much excited at gossip & lies among the servants in the house.

July 1st Monday.

Am excessively busy, feel faint touch in body of right foot, home in evg, working at Mansion All Interest coupons being cut off & collected today


July 2d Tuesd.

Raining all day and am excessively busy Cable to Otto Herkt if I am to send Interest collected or if he will come here. Henry A. Cassebeer arrived from Paris, steamer Gascogne, yesterday. At 7 P.M. we Trustees give an “Abschiedsessen” to R. H. Adams at L. K. dinner is very fine, we all make speeches, we are 13 at table, with Felix Kraemer in Coupè in pouring rain to Astoria, reach Mansion at midnight, learn that Frl. Bernkopf is badly shaken up by being thrown out of the Pony buggy, with my boys at the Old Jackson Mill

funeral of Fritz Schönfeld

July 3d Wed.

Rainy day, otherwise I get a little more quiet times F. L. Becker calls, tells me that his daughter Dora will remain another year in Europe. He asks for re-employment having had to leave Weber. Holwede cables “Can I pay professor Echtermeir for your account mark two Thousand answer” I reply “Yes pay Echtemeier Two Thousand Marks for me” We have a nice dinner at the “Tafelrunde” I making a neat speech. C. Brown calls in afternoon. also G. Titus. Am at Ottendorfers for supper + Skat lose 25 Cents.