The Diary

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New York City March 22d 1886 January 1st 1890.

Jan 1st Wed.

dark gloomy day, weigh Children viz Willie + Theodor myself & Frl. Bernkopf at Steinway Hall, baby Maud at home, I work fore noon and afternoon at store like a beaver saw Dyer of St. Paul in forenoon, Petri said to be very sick. Work at home in evg, retire at 10 PM

Jan 2d Thursd.

Both my wife and myself rested splendidly and we are all well. Ravages of the Influenza are fear ful and half our men are sick with it. Either Fritz or Henry St. ordered both our factories closed until Monday next, but it turns out that they worked til Dec. 31st Home in evg working At Lennox Lyceum Hall opening with wife + R.Rft jr + wife, are at Liederkranz session, Home with wife Midnight

Jan 3d friday.

Excessively busy all day, getting off letters to Europe. Harry D. Low & Emil Rathgeber laid up with Influenza, and we are very shorthanded thereby. With wife, Frl. RRanft + wife at Ambergs, Vice Admiral given very nicely, Streitmann in splendid voice.


Jan 4th sat.

Weather still very mild, Have interview with Fred T. St. + Hobein about latters son being taught by him as his future successor. Poor little Hegner does not draw at all, improvises at Ambergs Theatre before an empty house. At home in evg working learn that Lizzie Cassebeer is quite ill


Jan 5th Sunday.

Wet murky weather all day. In forenoon at Store fix up St + Sons Stock transfer matter with Stetson, Tretbar + Geo. A. St. Tretbar + wife with us at dinner. Our little Maud has two more teeth above and is a most charming delightful child. Work all afternoon at Store and again in evening at home til late. Fannie Steigertahl called, very poor, loaned her $700