The Diary

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New York, Jany 17th 1890.

Jan 17. friday.

See Croker about Schuchmann and Freedman, he is in favor of latter but not of former. Report this at at once to Ottendorfer, Loeser & Uhl. Have annual Meeting of Bollman Bros. Co. at 2.30 P.M. Quite a breeze, Otto Bollman demanding for them one half of the stock. First appearance of Hermine Claar Delia at Amberg Theatre

Jan 18th sat.

Lovely weather. At 2 P.M. with Adam Weber to E. R. Gas L. Co. Walter C. Foster tells me that renewal of our Contract with Lg. Isl. City is in Question Adam + I meet Kittle, look new works and everything else, drive via Dutch Kills to Steinway, visit Cassebeers, at 6 P.M. to L.K. preside at Tretbars 25th Anniversary, employes give him love Cup St + S. gold watch with proper inscription, + chain costing $540. I make most of the speeches Home at 1.30 A.M. Henry W. T. St.35 + Geo. A. St. there

Internment of C.F. Theo St. & his wife in Steinway Masoleum Greenwood Cem

Jan 19th Sund.

Eddy Eckel & his sister Pauline Harnett call, want to borrow money, declined. At 4 P.M. to L.K. + Arion Rehearsal at L.K. Hall, meet Cotterill and Judge Freedman, tell the latter result of my conferences with Ottendorfer and Croker. Work home in evg. All papers have notices of Tretbar Jubilee and C. F. Theo. St. interment. Work home lat in evg

Jan 20. Monday.

Awfully busy all day, at 4 P.M. home and work til Midnight. Frl. & Mrs. Evers to Amberg Theatre see + hear Claar-Delia in Damenkrieg

Jan 21. Tuesd.

Cablegram, Cummings in London, our salesman there died of Pneumonia. Am up at German Hospital with Chas. Hauselt, Chas. Schultz