The Diary

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New York, Febr 11th 1890

Febr. 11th Tuesd.

Was to Meet at John M. Bowers office, J. J. Marrin but postpone Bridge Com. meeting at request of Fitch, filed final receipt of Johanne Candidus to Guardians and Guardian account for Gustav Candidus. Met Anna M. Stier and her daughter Ida, and A. Siegele of Brooklyn Mrs. Stier becomes Administratrix, assigns bid of Chas. Stier in Lyon Potter + Co. to Geo. A. St. Siegele + I each give bond of $5.000 for her to Surrogate. Read restrictions in German Club deed at Registers Office, am at Worlds Fair Com. at Chamber of Commerce, pass resolution condemnatory of Platts interference. At L.K. in evg, Music com. session Meeting at my office of Ambergs Creditors

Febr 12th Wed.

Pay H. A. Cassebeer Executor of A. Louise Cassebeer, her legacy of $3000. Very busy all day, and evg at my house workingM Ottendorfers play Skat lose 87 Cts

Febr 13th Thursd.

Buy Otto Gardens claim agt F. Grote + Co. for 40% all in Judgments for Geo. A. Steinway

Febr 14th friday.

Terrible rain storm. Meet Marrin & Bowers at latters office, postpone session, but view Kosmaks premises alongside of Bridge Have talk with the latter. Mrs. Stier and daughter called, at office in evg despatching many letters for Europe

Febr 15th sat.

Take lunch at Lüchows & proceed to L. Isl. City Kittle meets me 1 P.M. boat at Hunters Point I view the new Gas works, which seem to work splendidly See Menzl, Moulton, new Gate house, Daimler Motor Co. Meet Geo. H. Williamson,17 paving Steinway Ave is nearly completed & good Work. At Amberg with Frl. + wife, Bel Mama with Claar Delia