The Diary

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New York and Astoria May 9th 1890

May 9, Friday.

See several parties down town work like last night home at Mansion evg

May 10. Sat.

Amberg Meeting at Lienaus, home in evg, in afternoon dined at 13 Brdway with Hoffmann + Carl Goepel and settled Fritz Steins Monument matter. Legislature adjourned yesterday

May 11th Sund.

At Mansion, B. B. Beach +c. looking over Buildings. Work all day til late at night

May 12th Monday.

Receive immense mail from Europe, among it a letter from Richard Croker Wiesbaden asking me to publish Certificate from Dr. Wilhelmj. I consult Mayor Grant, also at Bridgemeeting John M. Bowers and Burke Cockran. At 6 P.M. at my office receive representatives of the Press, and hand them translation of Wilhelmi Certificate, copy of Croker letter, and my statements regarding Croker and Wilhelmj. Work at Mansion in evg

May 13th Tuesd.

Papers all comment favorably except N. Y. Times and on the whole it makes a good impression. At L.K. in evg, Music Committee Session, by Cab to Astoria Ferry 11.45 PM L.K. Chorus assemble at our Warerooms and sing at Kolter Post Fair


May 14th Wednesd.

Remain at Steinway Astoria all day, do a great deal work, dictated to Stürcke. Kouwenhoven str. opened

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May 15th Thursd.

Excessively busy all day, at Bk Metropolis Work at Mansion in evg

May 16th friday.

My wife + Willie go to town with me to receive Papa Ranft, who arrives with the Columbia towards noon, which I at once cable to Mrs. Ranft, Dresden


May 17th sat.

Amberg testimonial in evg, with wife, Carl Schurz, Papa Ranft and Paula in Box, it is quite crowded and successful Possert making a splendid speech. To Mansion via Hunters Point