The Diary

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New York + Astoria, May 28th 1890

May 28th Wed.

At Court 151st str + 3d in Kelly vs. Cohen case at 10.15 at Bk Metrop. Examination, taking lunch at Bank. At 3 P.M. Rapid Transit Meeting at 107 E. 14th all present, also John M. Bowers, Sub Committee Mr. Langdon + Potter elected to consult with Mr. Wm. E. Worthen. I remain til 10 P.M. taking supper at Lienaus, after attending to the press

May 29th Thursd.

Yesterday Louisa A. Steinway, sister and daughter Ella F. St. sailed in Steamer Trave for Europe. Am at Bank today. Rapid Transit Sub Com. with Wm E. Worthen at 107 E. 14th str. Make good progress. After Meeting attend to press, it is past 6 P.M. when I, loaded down with books get into my carriage, get Papa Ranft and drive home via Hunters Point, dozens of important people in rain try to see me. Kulenkamp not having appealed before May 24th his case, and with it the entire conspiracy in the Gas matter is forever ended |R
Appointed Manufacturers to Her Majesty the Queen

May 30th frid.

Decoration day. After a little rain it clears up beautifully and my cars do a heavy business. The “Wiehawken” being still in repair shop does not run, and the “James” seems to be well loaded on her trips to & from N. Y. to College Point. The papers are full of our Rapid Transit Meeting again and “Berry” for the Cable roads calls on me, also J. Travis Quigg Work at Mansion til late at night

May 31st sat.

Astoria Homestead Comp. Meeting, approve purchase of F. Grote Homestead $40.000. and all stockholders consent thereto. Home in evg, working at Mansion. J. Travis Quigg sails “City of Rome”

June 1 Sunday

Time expires set by Surrogate claims agt Estate of C. F. Theodore Steinway, Quite a number of people at Bowery Bay Beach, electric road runs well