The Diary

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Astoria-New York, June 24th 1890


I make a rousing speech and command Musical Salamander for him with great success home very late in Carriage to Ferry

June 25th Wed.

Feel slight cold in throat, remain all day at Mansion, take first swimbath, but sit in the draft during eveg Get a fearful cough and cold during the night

June 26th Thursd.

Tremble with fever and take some cough drops, am unable to work in evg almost hounded to death all day by pressmen and callers, Chas. Held [obscured by ink blot: & wife] visit us


June 27th friday.

Chas H. St. arrives in Steamer “Normannia” in afternoon. I feel dreadfully sick + feverish, cough and spit and to my horror commence to feel gout in right elbow, go by 4th Ave horse car to 92d str. Ferry

June 28th sat

Feel very sick. Have first F. Grote & Co. Directors Meeting & election of Officers at 7 P.M. and St + S Trustee Meeting, Give Henry W. T. St. fair warning that he must behave more gentlemanly hereafter I

June 29th Sunday.

Beautiful day. My arm very bad & cough terrible, Immense throng of people at Bowery Bay Beach, both Cars & boats overcrowded


June 30th Monday.

At St. Hall. Gout in both feet, another Meeting of F. Grote & Co. I suffer great pain

July 1st Tuesd.

Remain in bed all day at Mansion Astoria, get Dr. Jones + Dr. Hupfauf, try remedies of both, now have only my left arm well

July 2d Wed.

After great pain get down stairs, My George who lives at Cassebeers, assisting me, drive in