The Diary

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New York, July 2d 1890


Coupè with him to St Hall, reach there at noon. Succeed in signing my name a dozen times to blank powers of Attorney +c. Have another Grote Meeting at my office. At 7 P.M. in Carriage with George + Papa Rangt, to Steamer “Normannia.” Feel dreadfully ill, and have loose bowels, after terrible pains I succeed on my crutches to get up the gangplank and down to my Cabin No 62. Am interviewed by an Associated press reporter on Rapid Transit. Ashbel P. Fitch Grunenthal, Chauncey M. Depew fellow passengers, also Krehbiel


July 3d Thursd.

Steamer sails at 6 AM. I remain in bed use Dr. Jones Medicine Lillie H. Toussaint with us

July 4th frid.

In bed, Steamer 498 Miles at noon, hot, all seasick

" 5. sat.

     “             “    430     “  all seasick except myself, horrid heat?

" 6. Sund.

" right foot 8.K 439 " sea sickness over

" 7. Mond.

Sit up all day in my cabin, marking up my account with St + S. from my check book, 444 miles

" 8. Tuesd.

Eat at table walk on deck, have chat with Chauncey M. Depew, who made a glorious speech yesterday at table I bet $2250/100 on the pool, but the “Normannia” disappoints us all, for in spite of the smooth Sea, she made only 424 Miles today, was on deck and in smoking room 2 hours and wrote these entries from June 22d til today. On July 2d also saw John M. Bowers and Marrin, and after a lively discussion awarded Emil Kosmak $200.000 for his property adjourning Brooklyn Bridge. Lillie H. Toussaint who had been quite seasick, is also quite well gain. Only little Theodore is costive, Willie + baby are well, and so is wife, Frl. Sophia and the nurse. Remain up til 9 P.M