The Diary

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Wiesbaden, August 23d 1890.

Aug 23d sat.

Weather fine all day. Drink one glass of Koch brunnen in the morning, then walk all over Tanus strasse, Dr. Arnold Pagenstecher out of town, walk the long distance to Dr. Clouths office, W. 12 Park strasse. but he is out. Leave my card. Walk back through Anlagen Go to Reading room N. Y papers to Aug 14th by ‘Columbia’ In afternoon Dr. Clouth calls examines me very thoroughly pronounces me perfectly healthy, heart, lungs, liver +c. Robert v. Bernuth and wife,. from Mayence (who return there tonight) and Mrs. Meta v. Bernuth and her son Fritz v. Bernuth with us in eveg, Papa Fritz being laid up with the gout Young Fritz + I have quite a chat before retiring

Aug. 24th Sunday.

Drink one glass of Koch brunnen, Otto Freytag introduces me to his bankers, B. Berlè, where I cash my check for 2000 Marks on Herrig + Frantz. Send my “Urin” to Dr. Clouth for examination. My arm and hand appear slightly better. I drink “Offenbach Kaiser Friedrich Quelle” by direction of Dr. Clouth, who tells me that “Urin” is absolutely perfect 1/10 Mille weight only and not the faintest trace of either bile, gall, sugar or other deleterious substances. He massires my hand pretty strongly. Robert v. Bernuth returns at 10 A.M. from Mayence and takes table d’hote with us and his mother, while Fritz v. Bernuth leaves at 1 P.M. to go to the Maneuvres in the Eiffel Mountains. At 3 P.M. Wife, Robert + Meta v. B. + I drive all over Wiesbaden, to top of Neroberg with its matchless View, seeing Mayence plainly in the distance then drive them at 5 P.M. to “Bahnhof” Retire at 9.30 P.M. Weather lovely and cool
Sent Mrs. Rosa Clarke 100 Marks on J.F. Petri account