The Diary

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Dresden, Septbr. 8th 1890

Septbr 8th

I make a brief speech & toast Grand Mama, and every thing passes off pleasantly. Oskar Canzler sings, Martha accompanying him, I also sing At 7 P.M. we walk home, find at 7 Wiener str. that no bureau expects to get Tickets for Ober Ammergau and I therefore write Louisa A. St. to get tickets at Berlin My middle finger on left hand (though taking no medicine) has been steadily improving and getting near its normal shape again I also have a good color again & red cheeks

Sept. 9th Tuesday.

Lovely weather, at 8 A.M. wife and I walk to Boh. Bahnhof meet Grandpa Ranft, and we see Dick Ranft, jr. wife and baby off, to Hamburg, I handing Dick a letter to Mayor Grant presenting Official Report of Berlin Rapid Transit Commißioners & Photographs of R.R. depots of said road, all of which Dick kindly takes along to New York for me. Grandpa looks excellent, but has a lame knee, not gouty. At 2.30 P.M. Wife + I with Grandpa & Grandma take a drive to Blasewitz + Tolkewitz, every where the ravages of the flood are visible, we also see the Ranft vault at the Johannis Kirchhof, and view a Villa at Blasewitz which Grandma advocates for Grandpa to buy. Work til nearly 11 P.M. writing a number of letters & postal cards & post them myself


Septbr. 10th Wed.

Cold gloomy weather.Frl. seems to be exceedingly nervous & sick + must undergo an electric treatment In afternoon Papa+GrandmaRanft, wife + I drive to Hauptmann Canzler, and take supper with them all passing off very pleasantly, stay until 8 P.M. then