The Diary

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Hamburg Sept. 30th 1890. Bremen

Sept 30th Tuesday.

Martha Hartwigk, Anna Rieper, Elizabeth Vester + I at 10 AM. leave for Bremen, arr. there 12.13. noon. View Rathskeller, eat Helgoland Oysters there, drive through City, see Freihafen there Anlagen, then to Ausstellung, which in many respects is quite interesting. Depart at 7.40 P.M. reach Hamburg 10 o’clock. P.M. having spent a very pleasant day

Oct. 1st Wed.

Holwede sends mail to my Hotel. Hofrath Pollini visits me at Hotel. Chas. H. St. writes that he, Charles Ziegler, Henry A. Cassebeer, and the latters Children will leave on “Normannia” Sept 25th. In evg we are all at party at v. Holwedes, have to go home in a bad rainstorm at 11 oclock

Oct 2d Thursd.

Work like a beaver all day at Steinways P.F. In evg we are all at Opera Tannhäuser with Alvary and Rosa Sucher, both excellent and a splendid performance. Fritz v. Bernuth who came with his father + mother to Hamburg yesterday, is with us at Opera. He + I at Schumanns Oyster Saloon til 11½ o’clock. Dine at Pollinis with the prima donnas Klafky + Teleky, latter kisses me twice

Oct 3d friday.

Our explanatory circular of Hamburg reads excellently, as also does the new Advertisement. Work all day again at business matters. In evg at Opera Don Juan, Klafsky as Donna Anna, is also very gifted vocally. Lissmann an excellent Don Juan and Mrs. Lissmann fine Zerlina. Henry A. Cassebeer his children Julia, Teddy + Edwin + Chas. H. Steinway arrive at 10.15 P.M. from Cuxhafen, where they came by steamer Normannia. Chas. H. St. came to Schumanns