The Diary

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Hamburg, Oct. 3d 1890


there meets old Fritz v. Bernuth, his wife, their youngest son Fritz, who had been to Theatre with me, Reinhold L. Herman had also been there with me every evg

Oct. 4th Sat.

Beastly rainy weather all day. Felt slight Neuralgia in right side of back neck yesterday, but it improves during the day, Holwede, Chas. H. St + I at Dr. Jacobsohn 11-12 & consult him as to changing firm at Hamburg +c. At 12½ P.M. Chas + I visit Julius v. Bernuth + family, thence to Steinways P. F. working til nearly 6 P.M. Henry A. Cassebeer visits us there. In forenoon saw Rosa Sucher and her husband Josef Sucher. At 8 P.M. with Chas. H. St. to Hornhardts large Hall, meet Heinrich Blech and take him into Hall. Our men celebrate 10th Anniversary of Steinways Pianofabrik. Fine decorations rather long Concert with encores Holwede, Israel (one of the men) make speeches I answer in a brief but fine speech which is recd with great applause, Mr. + Mrs. Fritz v. Bernuth and their son Fritz is there, Mr. Vester & daughter from Magdeburg, Hartwigk, also Deppermanns and Cassebeers, it is near 3 A.M. when Chas. & I depart for Streits Hotel

Oct 5th Sund.

At 9 A.M. Charles & I depart for Braunschg arriving 12.45. P.M. discussing and agreeing upon many things Charles proceeds to Berlin, I spend all day at Reidemeisters talking to latter abt his compensation in Estate matter which he will not accept, but makes me promise to buy some pictures of his friend Bethke in Munich

Oct 6th Monday.

Am busy all day visit Bernhards, Kochs, where I look over Handelsregister and find that the firm in 1869 by consent of all parties was made: “Grotrian, Helfferich, Schulz
Theo. Steinwegs Nachf.”
