The Diary

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New York March 5th 1891.


Washington with his family. Engaged Wm. E. Worthen as Engineer of the Rapid Transit Com. At noon Louis v. B. + wife take lunch with us. Baby Maud calls me Papa Bill. Last evg Mrs. John S. Foster and Miss Carrie Foster called on me, & yesterday Miss Esther Singleton interviewed me on the Liederkranz for Harpers Weekly Richard Ranft, jr. & Louis v. B. + Paula lunch with me at my house. In evg with wife at Conrad Behrens Concert at our little cozy Steinway Hall, afterwards with her at Görbitz Hoffmann, Adams & Marshing with us


March 6th frid.

Have bad news as to the health of my son George who is quite low and despondent at Washington. I write and telegraphed to him telling him to devote himself entirely to the restoration of his health. Home in evg writing until nearly Midnight, Walter C. Foster calls, also Louis v. B. and Paula with us in evg. Baby Maud lovely and lively

March 7th sat.

Lunch at 12½ P.M. with Louis, Oscar & Aug. v. Bernuth at Lüchows. Louis + Paula go to Washington to visit poor George I go to Astoria via 92d str. Ferry, the 10 houses of Astoria Homestead Company on Blackwell street nearly all under roof See Menzl, who proposes to buy N.W. cor. St + Riker Avenues and build a nice house for himself. Look over Daimler Motor Comp. + R.R. Car Shop, also Church, organ being nearly all ready. In evg with wife at L.K. Maskenkranzchen. It is very nice, we come home at 3 A.M. Saw Clara Schultze, being engaged to Heinrich Zoellner, talk with Hoffmann Adams + Poggenburg as to Presidency of Liederkranz

March 8th Sund.

Weather threatening, Meet Louis Windmuller + Mansfeld at my office at 10 A.M. perfect papers bet. Com. and Gustave Amberg, in order to preserve his Theatre. Work again