The Diary

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New York, March 21st 1891.

March 21st Sat.

Rainstorm all day. Baby Maud now commences to talk like “look papa Baby eat soup” short sentences + amuses us greatly In evg with wife and L. v. B. + wife and Oscar v. B. at Ambergs “Sodoms Ende” given finely though it is a grossly immoral piece. We are at Leinaus afterward. George, wife and Mrs. Roesler were at Theatre. My left thumb has touch


March 22d Sunday.

Heavy equinoctial Rainstorm all day. Chas H. St. Fred. T. St. Fred T St. + I, the 4 Executors of C. F. Theodor Steimnway, meet in my office in consultation of settlement of the said Estate. We afterwards try Grand C. pianos to test ribbing of the soundboard George, wife and their children at dinner with us Yesterday renewed Kroegers Notes for $1500. again. My left thumb still pains me so I take Dr. Jones Medicine in Scotch Whiskey. Work at store again all the afternoon. Our baby Maud is nearly an inch taller than my Granddaughter Ottilie, though nearly 3 mos. younger. Also work at home in evg

March 23d Monday.

Very busy all day, at 7 P.M. with wife to Paula, charming dinner there, Erbsbkoeh, Reuter, Stursberg and their wives there, keep them jovial all evg, eat carefully drink a little Rye Whiskey in Apolinaris only. During the night wife has a nightmare. C. F. Chickering died this Evening

death of C.F. Chickering

March 24th Tuesd.

Take lunch at Schultz, preside at Rapid Transit Meeting from 2-5 P.M. Coleman Drayton, Col Hazard appear for the City Underground R.R. and Louis Sterne for the Greathead system. Get off European mail til 10 P.M. working at store then to L.K. make a speech agt starting Columbia feier now. Mail to Theodore Sutro, lawyer the duplicate set of Deutscher Verein appraisals
