The Diary

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New York, May 17th 1891

May 17th Sunday.

Pfingsten, clear weather but too cold, yet many people are at North Beach. Take a drive, but work all day & evening. Poor Amberg, who is hopelessly bankrupt had his benefit last night. Saw Kavanagh L. v. Bernuth & Foster in my library, regarding proposed racetrack, write out will of Louisa A. Steinway according to her instructions. Took drive with Steinheuers.

May 18th Monday.

Louisa A. Steinway signed her new will in my office, in evg at Mansion working

May 19th Tuesday.

Louisa A. Steinway, Ella F. Steinway, Friederike P. Kreischer & Maid sail for Germany pr. Steamer Trave at 1 P.M. My wife sees them off, then attends lunch & inspection of new Hamburg steamer “Fürst Bismarck” At 2 P.M. I am at Rapid Transit Office, the West side property owners appear before us and urge us to extend present Elevated Road system for immediate relief. Am at Deutscher Verein in ev’g for dinner and Committee Meeting on Engine. Meet wife at 9.30 P.M. at L.K. also Fitch, drive to 92d street Ferry, meet Steinheuer and wife on boat, they live temporarily at H. A. Cassebeer, until latter marries Julia Schmidt, who will leave Stuttgart & sail from Hamburg July 17th

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Henry W.T. Steinway vacated 107 East 14th St.

May 20th Wed.

Remain at Mansion all day, dictate a long letter to Stürcke who is off Jury duty today. Old Mrs. Juch and her daughter in law call, and beg me to help Collapsed english Opera Comp which was shipwrecked at St. Louis, but I positively refuse

May 21st Thursd.

Lunch at Schultz. Deutscher Verein Mtge of $400.000 at last executed, signed by Unger Wendt & myself as Trustees Mtge being recorded and filed same day