The Diary

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New York, Adirondack, Astoria, Aug 3d 1891

Aug 3d 1891. Monday.

Warm day. feel stiff in my limbs + back drive in buggy 5 miles to Pottersville, from there by stage to Riverside, Rasmus + Hoppenstedt and their families joining me, arrive Saratoga towards 1 P.M. and via Troy in Parlor car in N.Y. at 7.35 P.M. suffering great pain in my back with lumbago. Harry D. Low meets me drives with me to Mansion, Astoria, suffer much on cobble pavement

Aug 4. Tuesd.

Remain in bed all day, taking medicine, am costive, but from 6 P.M. loose bowels. Mr + Mrs. Bierling call on and spend afternoon & evg with R.R.t jr. They sail pr Columbia next Thursday

Aug 5th Wed.

Am up in the library, walk between two sticks Moulton, Rollins and McCabe call on me also Mrs. Kessler. retire at 7 P.M. sleep fairly well

Aug 6th Thursd.

Drive to store, through Central Park. have many callers to pester me, leave there shortly after 3 P.M. and drive to Mansion. Back better but right knee now affected

Aug 7th friday.

Again drive to Office, and am badly pestered by lots of people, my right foot is slightly affected remain up til nearly 9 P.M. and rest fairly well

Aug 8th sat.

Warm, close day. Remain in library all day and work. Yesterday at my office had a long talk with Mr. Rollins as to R.R. matters. My knee is now perfectly free and touch confined to arch of right foot and back, can walk without a cane. In evg play Skat with H. A. Cassebeer jr. and RRanft jr. The latter loses heavily to Cassebeer, I win 14 Cents

August 9th Sund.

Weather doubtful, only clearing up towards evg, yet many people come to North Beach. Louis v. Bernuth, Banke + J. Otto Toussaint to dinner with