The Diary

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New York, + Astoria, Aug 15th 1891.


Mansion. In eveg our girls go to the Picnic, also Henry Kleber telegraphs that his wife died yesterday at 1. A.M. I promise both the Harmonie and the D. A. Schützennbund a “Bücherschrank”. My wife and Paula have been on the warpath agt each other on acct of the servants at Watch Rock Hotel, Adirondacks. Receive a letter from McCabe that he is still after my R.R. & that hot weather caused delay


August 16th Sunday.

11th anniversary of my marriage, wife writes me from Adirondack that she will drink a bottle of Champagne in honor thereof at dinner. I do the same thing here with Carl + Louis v. B. R.R.t jr. & his wife. In forenoon drive with Moulton to Ravenswood, Vernon Avenue Improvement in full swing. Our cars are crowded in forenoon already to North Beach, both from 34th str. & 92d str. Ferry. The N.Y. & College Point Ferry boats are also crowded with people. Meet Committee of our men who report that never before was the Picnic so crowded until deep into the night, and so harmonious and merry. At midnight after I had played Skat with RRt jr. & Carl v. B. + won 86 Cts we are rung out of bed, policeman sent by Louis v. B. Paula had telegraphed him that little Meta had swallowed her gold pin. I pass a sleepless night

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Aug 17th Monday.

Drive to Ferry only, then by 4th Ave Cars to Store L. v. B. started early for the Adirondacks. Rollins calls but submits an impossible contract which I decline. Attend Meeting of Finance Committee at German Savings Bk. Home by 4th Ave. car, stand til 42d str. In evg work, Have a visit from H. A. Cassebeer & his wife

Aug 18th Tuesd.

To our great joy Louis v. Bernuth telegraphs that baby Meta passed the pin and all danger is
