The Diary

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NewYork + Astoria, Septbr. 3d 1891.

Sept. 3d Thursd.

Notwithstanding my suffering, I drive to store arrive at 11 A.M. remain one hour, then drive back to Mansion. In eveg, Mrs. Julia Cassebeer & Miss Julia Cassebeer call on and spend evg with us

Septbr. 4th friday.

Drove to Store, New York & work hard there from 10 A.M. til 4.45. P.M. Chas. H. St. Fred. T. St. Henry Ziegler Nahum Stetson + myself lunch at U. Sq. Hotel in a separate room, and consult on business matters, more especially on the horrible characteristics, developed by H.W.T.St. which will compel us to discharge him very soon, hold Bd of Trustee Meeting at my house 2½, 3½ P.M Drive up Lexington Avenue, look at flats, NE corner of Lex. Ave. & 47th str. for German Savings Bank, Mortgagee then directly home to Mansion. Retire at 9 p’clock


Sept 5th sat.

A terrible North East rainstorm is raging all night & in forenoon. My left Elbow also slightly affected which adds to my discomfort. Wife makes me a sling to carry left arm in. Wm. Rohlfing & wife sail in Steamer “Saale” from Bremen today. We find ourselves unable to get Allentown Iron, and must try another strong soft Iron, also have trouble with two of our Boilers from large Astoria factory. the Village barber calls and shaves me, and Miß Heckle also calls in afternoon. Fred. T. St. calls with Menzl, I loan H.W.T.St letters to me to him, retire early, sleep little however


Septbr 6th Sunday.

Raining heavily, Toussaint takes lunch with us and remains all afternoon. Weather raining and storming all day and night, I can do no work, being overrun by people in the forenoon I still continue taking of Dr. Jones Medicine in smaller doses, and at last begin to make an impression on my gout attack in the left hand