The Diary

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NewYork, Decbr. 29th 1891.


At L.K. in evg, Music Com. Session, action on giving both Concerts Febr. 14 + April 10th postponed for one week. Go home in our Carriage

Decbr 30th Wed.

Lg Isl. City Council passed contract to Electric Light Comp of Gleason but does not resolve to cap lamps of E.R. Gas Comp. last night. At Manhattan Club, meet Col. Dave Robinson of Elmira, with Mr. Motley and one other gentleman talking about my R.R. Meet Van Glahn, A. Kling Ashbel P. Fitch, Com. Cram

Decbr 31st Thursd.

Henry W. T. Steinway sends in his resignation to take effect immediately. In afternoon lunch at Grodes, make a little speech. Work home in evg til 11 P.M. then drive to H. A. Cassebeer where a charming family circle assembled Chas. H. St. absent, and of course Henry W. T. St. general rejoicing that latter resigned. We jump into NewYear, remain together harmoniously until nearly 2 A.M. when wife and I drive home well pleased. Myself (excepting little remnants of gout in both middlefingers and a little gout node on my right foot) am well and look healthy and wife + children are quite well. Cablegram from Hamburg states number of pianos shipped during 1891 at 244 grands and 296 Uprights, against 312 Grands and 312 Uprights in 1890, therefore a falling off of 84 instruments, through depression in trade But in NewYork we had by far the best year since our business existence for we shipped from our Warerooms no less than 822 grands and 1657 Uprights, against in 1891 of 758 grands and 1553 Uprigfhts 5 Squares. Our excess of pianos shipped in N.Y. is therefore 763 pianos, total being 2479 in 1891 agt 2316 in 1890. Our grand

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