The Diary

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New York, Jany 7th 1892.

Jan 7th Thursday.

First snow of the season Yesterday. Today clear weather, am very busy, Stetson being away at Washington +c. for rest. I am having dreadful trouble with people trying to borrow money of me, and general business is very bad here and in Europe In evg am again home working. Wife recd a very sad letter from Papa Ranft. Mrs. Elise Ranft was buried at Dresden friday December 18th my daughter Paula and husband being present at the funeral

Jan 8. friday.

Very busy, Rapid Transit Meeting home evg writing

" 9. Sat.

Piano Mfrs Exec. Session 2.30 P.M. At L.K. Social evg 45th birthday, Cillis presides Frl. Müller Hartung sings, I command Musical Salamander

" 10. Sund.

Work all forenoon + afternoon at Store, home in evg, make great progress in my work

" 11. Mond.

Meeting of E. R. Gas Light Comp. at my office Old board + officers reelected. At 1 P.M. lunch at 13 Bdway, meet Julius Hoffmann, then directors + Stockholders Meeting of N.Y. + Lg Isl. R.R. Comp. Resolve to increase our Capital from $100.000. to $10.000.000. Home in evg working


" 12. Tuesd.

Annual Mtg. Piano Mfrs 3 P.M. At L.K. + in evg at Patti Concert with wife resolve terms of seats for next L.K. Concert

" 13 Wed.

To College Point, Annual Meeting of N.Y. + College Point Ferry Co. same Trustees + Officers reelected. The Chancellor is getting into fine shape. At Ottendorfers in evg, play Skat with him, Loeser + May, lose $1.71. Drive home in the Slush+rain